This website provides a view of the availability of all Symology Customer Hosted Services. Symology are proud of our excellent record, so without sharing Customer details, our whole service is available for review.

Note this service is supplemental to and not a replacement for our Support service. Should a service availability issue occur which is not shown here, please contact the Customer Support Desk on 01582 812444 or

What are Zones and Data Stores?

Symology operates Hosted Services over multiple locations for additional resilience. All customers are allocated to one of these zones. In the event of a major issue, we may initiate a temporary switch of zones. We would be in contact with you should this be necessary.

A data store is a specific environment. Within each zone we operate multiple data stores for further resilience.

How do I find out which Zone and Data Store my service is on?

Symology can provide you with this information. For Managed Service Customers there is a link in your Portal, which auto selects the Zone and Data Store for you. For more information please contact your Account Manager or Symology Support.

Statuses explained

The service is available with no known problems
The service is available below optimal performance levels, one or more customers affected. We are aware and working to return to full performance levels
The service is not available, we are aware and working to resume the service
The service is not available due to scheduled maintenance

Services explained

The website for Insight On-Line Managed Service customers that provides an interface between the Insight system and your desktop PC

Symology's main application for Street Works, Highways Asset and Works Management

Symology's browser based application for Street Works and Asset Management which will replace Insight over time

Help and training website for the Aurora application

The communication services between your Insight Street Works system and the rest of the Street Works community e.g. via Street Manager or EToN

Web Services for Insight Mobile, XML, FTP and other Interface services

The third-party services Symology use to connect our systems to the Internet

A range of public-facing web-portals to allow interaction with the council or utility provider

Symology's suite of mobile apps running on Android and (where available) iOS

Our monitoring technology to ensure service quality

The telephone and email support services provided by the Symology Customer Service team